MAY 2009
Saturday, May 2 – March of Dimes Charity –
downtown - Warm-ups with the Banana Lady at 9:45 am
Saturday, May 2 – Barnes & Noble East, Madison,
WI – 1:00 pm show and book signing
Monday, May 4 - JC Penney 's West Towne, upstairs
in Children 's Department, Madison, WI – 11:00 am
Saturday, May 9 - University Book Store in Madison,
WI (Hilldale) – 11:00 am show and book signing
Saturday, May 16 – Occupaws Charity Fundraiser
- Token Creek- Warm-ups with the Banana Lady at 9:45 am
Saturday, May 16 - Barnes & Noble East, Madison,
WI – 1:00 pm show and book signing
Monday, May 18 – JC Penney 's West Towne,
upstairs in Children 's Department, Madison, WI –
11:00 am show
JUNE 2009
Monday, June 1 - JC Penney 's West Towne, upstairs
in Children 's Department, Madison, WI – 11:00 am
Tuesday, June 2 - Barnes & Noble East, Madison,
WI – 11:00 am show and book signing
Monday, June 15 - JC Penney 's West Towne, upstairs
in Children 's Department, Madison, WI – 11:00 am
Tuesday, June 16 - Barnes & Noble East, Madison,
WI – 11:00 am show and book signing
Saturday, June 20 – Private Party - 11:00 am
to 2:00 pm
Monday, June 22 - Kraemer Plain Library, Plain, WI
– 1:00 pm show and book signing
Monday, June 29 - JC Penney 's West Towne, upstairs
in Children 's Department, Madison, WI – 11:00 am
JULY 2009
Thursday, July 2 - Monticello Library, Monitcello,
WI – 1:30 pm show and book signing
Tuesday, July 7 - Barnes & Noble East, Madison,
WI – 11:00 am show and book signing
Monday, July 13 - JC Penney 's West Towne, upstairs
in Children 's Department, Madison, WI – 11:00 am
Thursday, July 16 – Adams County Library, Adams,
WI – 2:00 pm show and book signing
Tuesday, July 21 - Barnes & Noble East, Madison,
WI – 11:00 am show and book signing
Wednesday, July 22 – Lakeside Kids at Monona
Terrace rooftop, 10:00 to 11:00 am – show
Saturday, July 23 – Private Party – 1:00
to 2:00 pm
Saturday, July 23 - Stoughton Library, Stoughton, WI
– 6:30 pm show and book signing
Monday, July 27 - JC Penney 's West Towne, upstairs
in Children 's Department, Madison, WI – 11:00 am
Monday, August 3 - JC Penney 's West Towne, upstairs
in Children 's Department, Madison, WI – 11:00 am
Tuesday, August 4 - Barnes & Noble East, Madison,
WI – 11:00 am show and book signing
Monday, August 17 - JC Penney 's West Towne, upstairs
in Children 's Department, Madison, WI – 11:00 am
Tuesday, August 18 - Barnes & Noble East, Madison,
WI – 11:00 am show and book signing